There are three current non-white Disney Princesses…
The first non-white animated Disney princess was Jasmine from Aladdin in 1992. In the opening song Arabian Nights, Robin Williams (in a thick Arabic accent) sings a song about the movie’s specific and Arabic lifestyle. He originally sang: ‘Where they cut off your ear if they don’t like your face/it’s barbaric, but hey, it’s home.” to ‘Where it’s flat and immense and the heat is intense/it’s barbaric, but hey, it’s home’. (The version I own actually says the second phrasing). Entertainment Weekly ranked Aladdin as being one of the most controversial films in history because of those lyrics. Another complaint/issue was that the likeable Arabic characters where light skinned and had more Caucasian features, while the unlikable/villain characters had Arabic accents and darker skin.
The second diverse Disney princess was Pocahontas, from the movie with the same name that came out in 1995. The film’s premiere still holds the record of the largest movie premiere ever. It was criticized for the inaccuracy of different ethnic groups in the film and for historical inaccuracies too. Many people thought that the character design of Pocahontas did not make her look Native American but made her look ‘fashionably exotic’. The film also distorts the true and noble history behind Pocahontas. She revered John Smith as a father, being only 10-12 years old when meeting him, her marriage to Kocoum and John Rolfe later, her kidnapping by the English, and conversion to Christianity. Pocahontas’ romantic relationship with John Smith was written into the script to keep with Disney’s theme of the lead characters ending up together (although movies like The Black Cauldron, Fantasia, Alice, and the Sword and the Stone didn’t need romantic energy to make the plotlines interesting)…
The last diverse Disney princess to be animated was Mulan in 1998. This animated film had many feminist critiques about the film making fun of repressive gender roles. Mulan’s only perceivable goal as a female is to be a good daughter to her father and then be a good wife to her husband. There are many instances where a woman’s place is nailed down. However, Mulan defies all of those in the end to find her ‘happily ever after’ happiness. But, she had to dress like a man to get it. What exactly does that say? Kudos to this though: Mulan’s character is, so far, the strongest and most independent of all the Disney princesses without being overly glamorous and stereotypically beautiful.
Out of the three princesses mentioned above, only Jasmine and Mulan seem have ‘Disney Princess’ marketing. Pocahontas is largely left out. (Even Jasmine and Mulan are left out in a lot of the merchandise as well… one great example is the Disney Princess cereal… only white princesses I guess.) Also, the dress-up clothes for Mulan are the clothes she is uncomfortable in, since she doesn’t know her true identity. She was herself when in her armor. Now, I know that in today’s society it’s very hard to market things that can be as gender-ambiguous/ redefining as giving a little girl armor to wear. Little girls are told that they should wear dresses and want to be glamorous. They market Mulan’s feminine attire, but perhaps they should sell sets of the armor and Mulan’s dress, so that girls can play the two different personas of Mulan’s character identity in the film.